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A side project to step away from the computer, this rat rod style mower was truly hands-on. I customized a used but fully-functional mower into the coolest ride in the neighborhood.  All was handcrafted - throttle handle, brake pedal, flatbed truck style seat, and vintage pinstripe painted details. Thank you "Big Daddy" Ed Roth for the inspiration.

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A fun project ask by a friend who was thinking of a BBQ food truck..."So I want to do a cool hot sauce....can you help me with that?"  I was all over it!  Doodle on a napkin soon turned into a mock-up over an empty olive oil can. Food truck never went forward but my concept and the Carolina Reaper still live. 

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Discovery of an old wood table with three perfect planks. Finally the chance to bring my idea of replicating early-style boards to life. Table-top down to board shapes, sketches into stencils, followed by the search for roller skate wheels and adding crushed walnut shell "grip-tape" to complete the look. Pretty cool to see my boards on a Skateboarder inspiration page. 

© 2019 Strauss Design Studios

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